A case of PPC for a site for the production and sale of glass products

Кейс по контекстной рекламе для сайта по производству и продаже изделий из стекла

About the client

Templated website on the platform
Has already started advertising, but expect more

Incoming data

Monthly budget for advertising - 15 000 UAH
Geo-targeting - All Ukraine except Crimea, Donetsk, and Luhansk
Network - The Google Ads Search Network
Display time - 24/7
Places to show: - Does not matter
The maximum cost per click limit - 250 UAH
Tracking the performance of contextual advertising by leads
Goal - Increase the flow of leads without exceeding the maximum cost of the application.

Priority tasks

The correct setting for Google Analytics
Creating and setting up a new Google Ads account
Connecting your Google Ads account to Google Analytics, importing account conversions

Project work

Collect keywords for all types of products on the site, which is about 1000 products. The total amount is over 2000 keywords and about 2000 negative keywords;

Keywords were divided into ad groups based on the needs of the buyer, and their URLs were also different;

Writing ad posts for the USP campaign with prices, terms of production, product characteristics. Responsive search ads were added then. In some groups, they performed better on conversion and subsequently replaced expanded text ads;

Managing manual bidding to reduce potential leads and increase conversion rates takes place once a week;

Every 4-5 days, we work with search requests, to search and add new relevant keywords to the advertising campaign, and to track irrelevant ones;

Experimental launches for different types of campaigns - Shopping and Smart Shopping. A / B testing was also conducted on different bidding strategies.


Account work has been taking place since late March 2019 until nowadays.

A completed and submitted application is considered to be a Lead. As we can see in the schedule in March, as we decided to start with minimum bids, there was a low advertising intensity, few applications, a small percentage of conversion requests from visitors, but a low bid cost. In July, we were working out a list of keywords and negative keywords, cutting out irrelevant requests and adding new ones. This way. We tried to reduce costs and increase the percentage of a lead. You can see this in the schedule as there is an increase in % conversions and a decrease in the cost of a lead. In the future, we are to continue to optimize search campaigns.

Also, as an experiment, we launched Shopping and Shopping Smart Campaigns, and they initially started to generate targeted traffic. So, it was decided to leave them and see how things went.

A report has been created for the client using Google Data Studio, which allows you to track the cost of an application fast and easily.

As a result, contextual advertising provided:

The most significant amount of traffic to the site;

The constant flow of customers that this ad campaign was aimed at.

Further development plan:

Connect Remarketing in Display and Search;

We will gradually increase the cost per click, thereby raising the average position and advertising intensity. Then, we tried to find the optimal ratio - the number of leads/ price of leads.