Case study in site promotion to TOP10 on

TOP 10 koptim

Site info

Domain registration date: November the 23rd, 2012, more than 6 years.
Goods categories on the site: smokestacks, braziers, tandyrs, ovens.
Number of goods on site: 70.
Type of business: manufacturing, sales.
Time in promotion: since April 2016.
SEO budget: 3000 UAH/month

Goal of site promotion: to achieve TOP 10 in page ranking.

Status prior to activation of works

Number of key phrases for promotion: 33.
Search systems: Google and Yandex.
Average position of SC by Google: 36.
Average position of SC by Yandex: 26.

2.5 years later

Average position 14.3 by 999 key phrases.

Site performance can be seen in the charts:

Link profile in figures:

We applied

We have applied crowdsourced links which are links in the text of recommendations, opinions, comments or reviews of the service, product, or brand, placed on the dedicated sites with the ability to comment, that’s where the target audience lives.

Graph 1. At the beginning.

Diagram 2. After works done.

Commercial indicators dynamics


+ The average search position of the site increased.
+ The site was promoted to the top of the niche.
- The amount of organic traffic decreased.
- Weak growth of the average bill and a drop down of total income.

Reasons for traffic drop down:

Activation of competitors.
Yandex exit from the market.

Development Outlook:

Paid Search shows the potential of the organic audience. Consequently, the next steps will be aimed at a significant expansion of the semantic core.