SEO-optimization site for the sale of jackets and outerwear

Кейс seo оптимизации сайта по продаже курток и верхней одежды

Niche: jackets, outerwear. Had been working from 08.08.2017 to 15.09.2017

The website traffic before providing SEO.

The website traffic from search engines before the optimization. Indicators were taken for the period 01.05.2017 - 07.08.2017.

Fig. 1 The site traffic by months in details.

Fig. 2 Distribution of site traffic by search engines.

Figure 3 Goal Achievement: Contact View

Status of the site before the SEO optimization work has begun:

insufficient amount of unique and valuable content;
low search engine ranking on major competing topics;


the low percentage of search engine traffic;
search engines do not consider the site valuable and thematic..

Work performed from 08.08.2017 - 15.09.2017.

A new site structure has created and implemented.
The semantic core for internal and external site promotion strategies has collected.
17,500 symbols of new unique content containing priority keywords were added.
Meta Title and Description tags are configured in all product categories, subcategories, articles, and the homepage.
We has performed internal linking between the site's pages for easy usage and distribution of the value of the keywords for better indexing of the site, transfer of value between the required pages and sections.

The results of the work performed.

Fig. 4 The lines of site traffic growth for the period 8.08.2017-14.11.2017 compared to the previous period 1.05.2017-7.08.2017 were showed.

Figure 5. Shows the traffic growth months before, during, and after optimization was showed.

Fig.6 Performance marked with red for the period: 8.08.2017-14.11.2017.

Search engine site visits increased by 663.34%
Unique visitors amount increased by 641.34%
The bounce rate decreased by 6.6%
View depth increased by 30.51%
Session Duration time increased up to 2 min.

Fig. 7 Achievement of the goal: "Contact information view." With the red marked the performance for the period of 08.08.2017-14.11.2017.

Contact engagement has increased by 3.6%
Goal completions has increased by 963.28%
The number of targeted visits with contact interactions has increased by 797.56%
The number of targeted visitors has increased By 819.18%
Contact interaction abolition has decreased by 2.02%
The depth of viewing interaction with contacts has increased by 41.88%
The view time while interacting with contacts has increased by 3 minutes 51 seconds.

Fig. 8 Achievement of the goal: "Order through the basket."

The first orders through the basket have appeared.


After finishing SEO optimization, we can see the improvement of all indicators.

More potential buyers have begun to visit the website 6.6 times often. Buyers identified by order appeared in the busket. The site became more attractive. Session duration time increased up to 2 minutes. In addition, visitors became more involved with company contact information.