Case for promotion in the TOP 10 site

Кейс по продвижению в TOP 10 сайта koptim

The information about the website:

The domain registration date is November 23, 2012 - more than 6 years.
Product categories on the site: smokehouse, barbecue, tandoor, ovens.
The website contains 70 products
Business type: production and sales.
Promotion time: April 2016.
SEO budget: 3 000 UAH per month.

The site promotion goal is to reach the top 10 in the search engine.

The site state before the work begins

33 key phrases to promote.
Search Engines: Google and Yandex.
Google's average ranking is 36.
Yandex Average QA Position: 26

After 2.5 years

The average position is 14.3 out of 999 key phrases.

Graphic can show the site metrics:

Reference profile in numbers

We used

Crowd-links are linked in the text of recommendations, opinions, comments, or reviews about a service, product, or brand posted on particular subject areas where the target audience resides.

Thematic articles that have been written specifically for the site are considered valuable content and as a source of additional traffic.

In order to measure business metrics, comparing two schedules will be enough. You can see clearly that the total number of organic search conversions has decreased, but its percentage of the fundamental metric has increased. Website traffic has decreased..

Figure 1. In the beginning.

Figure 2. In the end.

Dynamics of business metrics


+ The average position of a site in the search engine has increased.
+ The site has reached the niche leadership.
- The amount of organic traffic has decreased.
- The average check weak growth and decreased total income.

Reasons for the traffic to decrease:

The activity of competitors.
Withdrawal from the Yandex market.

Development prospects:

Paid Search shows the potential of an organic audience. Therefore, such actions will aim at a significant expansion of the semantic core.