Case on site promotion on traffic

Кейс по продвижению сайта по трафику

The information about the website:

Domain registration: May 8, 2013, working for over five years.
Product categories on the site: toys, baby care products, baby transport.
19233 products are selling on the website.
Type of business: dropshipping.
Average attendance from Google prior before starting promotion campaign: 252 sessions per month.
Promotion time: from September 12, 2017 to May 31, 2018.
SEO budget: 3000 UAH per month.

The site promotion aim: an increase in traffic and, as a result, an increase in orders.

The list of work performed:

The site is checked for affiliation.
Google Analytics and Google Search Console have been set up.
A semantic core has been assembled. Semantic core volume consists of 1 780 queries, 10 groups, 150-200 queries per group, total frequency 34,700, 80% low-frequency queries, 20% midrange, average frequency per core - 20.
A new site structure has been developed and implemented.
Checking and correcting broken links on the site.
Writing texts for promoting groups. 35,000 symbols per group and 50,000 characters per articles.
Meta tags are provided throughout the whole site. In addition, manual page promotion has taken place and the rest of the SEO module templates.
Internal interlinking has been implemented.
Purchasing links.

All these have led to changes in the structure:

1. Transition from "width" to "depth".

2. Segmentation of groups according to customers` requests.
3. No more than 4 clicks to the product from any place on the site.

How we made the link purchase:

Regulatory profile according to Megaindex

The results of the works performed:

September 12, 2017 - project work has begun.

October 29, 2017 - a new structure has been introduced.

Website traffic dynamics:

Period - 12 months.

Organic Attendance Dynamics from November 2017 to November 2018.

Dynamics of overall traffic, including organic content and contextual advertising.

You can see how the increase in traffic affects your website revenue:


Rapid growth in SEO is possible if:

The site has not been promoted before.
The site has a complex structure.
There is no unique content.

Difficulties in SEO arise when:

Low income from an average check.
Unstable list of goods.