To be successful in the online market is much more than just writing content and sharing in the network. You need the effective plan of action to drive your results, become popular and TOP search on the rank. Everything from SEO strategy consulting and engagement tracking, to blogging and white paper writing, are included in a content plan. Your content plan will both align with your content levels and scale as you increase your content marketing budget. By choosing M. System as your digital marketing partner, you get a content management plan that eventually boosts your brand awareness and fits your business goals.

Services include
knowlege_bl Content strategy

First stage is how to plan content strategy. We draw up further planning, we discuss with you and determine your business goals, decide on best content channels to place, select the most appropriate types of content, allocate needed resources and create a content calendar.

observe_or Keyword audit

We carry out the audit of your current content based on how your audiences view it and how a search engine views it. Your content has to be optimized for search ranking, and it has to be addressed to the reader.

plan_or Content calendar template

We agree to a content calendar or editorial calendar, which is a written schedule of when and where you plan to place or publish upcoming content. Content calendars typically include upcoming pieces, status updates, planned promotional activity, partnerships, and updates to existing content.

ic3_bl Content styles and channels

There are a lot of different channels of content. Based on the outcomes of your content strategy and your target audience, we determine the effective channels, keywords, and style for generating the leads.

Why choose a service?
  • To get plan to action with your content management aligned with the SEO strategy consulting customized to your business in short and long term prospective.
  • To get designed graphics and guides that lead your brand in outstanding to your targeted audience.
  • To get plant to action with keyword and phrases that drive your rankings to the top of search.
  • To get the right content topics that bring value to your audience and drive conversions to your site.
  • To determine and realize what gaps may exist in the current content and technical staff, and optimize types of content depending on the distribution channel.
  • To get content calendar built on detailed content briefs sorted and filtered. For example, the calendar can show content coverage by stage, by channel or topic.
  • To schedule and manage types of content like posts, blog articles, emailing, videos, etc. within the effective keywords and phrases.
  • To get the clear and detailed roadmap with description of all the necessary stages for distribution of content that hooks your target audience and increase your brand awareness.
We cater to
checked_or Those looking to align SEO strategy with content strategy

Choosing M. System as your digital marketing partner with a proven experience in SEO and content management to achieve your business objectives. We are your reliable partner in providing your content planning following strategic SEO in short term and long-term perspectives of your digital campaign. We know how and what to do to plan, write and distribute effective types of content, and to provide you with targeted, high-quality organic traffic.

ad_internet_bl Web developers

Content strategy and planning are about specific knowledge, analytical and psychological skills, and a systematic approach. In case you are a web developer with an elementary level in SEO, be sure it would be your right choice to hire M. System for planning your content. We built our expertise on the pillar of deep technical knowledge in SEO and years of cooperation with plenty of business niches and receipts for their promotion.

100_plus_bl Small-to-midsize Ecommerce businesses

M. System will provide best practice content management and help to make it effective for search engines and your market audience. We determine the channels to hook your audience, giving you a detailed calendar with keywords, briefs, types of blogs and articles, videos, newsletters, or emails to schedule and publish.

The content plan depicts all the marketing insights and findings that you have described in your content strategy. It includes, but is not limited to SEO keyword research, engagement tracking, blog contents, social media posts, videos, etc., white paper and case studies, your content calendar, or schedule.
The content strategy lays the grounds for the points of action you need to include in your content plan, then followed by content production and distribution. Strategy depicts the target audience, goals, distribution channels while the content plan is about clear actions to be implemented to make the content strategy effective.
M.System provides Content Plan services initiated by content strategy and SEO strategic consultancy with a comprehensive analysis of where you are and what are you going to do, your position vs your competitors, your target audience and goals formalized as an SEO strategy and content strategy and clear content plan calendar with keys and briefs for types of content to produce.
For pricing of Local SEO services please contact our sales department …..
Our case
Personal account - manager
Leads your projects Dives into the project, understand the specifics of the business and communicates with you in your language Manager contact with you at least once a week to show reports and discuss results
Dmitry Voloshchuk - Head
of Client Success Manager
We are 20+ certified specialists of Google. We know everything about search engine optimization and targeted advertising
MediaSystem team
Boost sales
from your website

Our assistant will contact you to discuss all
the details and make an offer of cooperation

Ivan Andrushchak

Ivan Andrushchak, Head of Sales

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