Changing the Link Strategy and Increasing the Annual Revenue of an Online Store by 66 Times

Changing the Link Strategy and Increasing the Annual Revenue of an Online Store by 66 Times


SEO and promotion of an online store specializing in the sale of rubber and asbestos products of its production.

Goals and Objectives

  • Increasing the website's visibility in search engines: the higher the site's position for specific queries, the more users visit it.
  • Increasing traffic: attracting more visitors to the site from organic search.
  • Attracting a target audience: not just increasing traffic but attracting users who are potentially interested in the products or services offered on the site.
  • Building trust in the website: includes working on the site's security, improving its structure, and enhancing its content.

Website Before the Start of Work

Initial Data (May 26, 2022):

Number of links (Ahrefs)

6 569

Number of referring domains (Ahrefs)


Domain rating (Ahrefs)


Number of links (Serpstat)


Number of referring domains (Serpstat)


Visibility (Serpstat)


Number of keywords (Serpstat)


Number of pages in the index

2 870

Project Activities

  1. Comprehensive Site Analysis: a comprehensive analysis of the site was conducted, including a manual study of its structure, an analysis of promotion reports, and an evaluation of the initial state of promotion.
  2. Indexing: a check was made to ensure that all site pages could be indexed, an analysis of indexing dynamics, and verification of the correctness of the robots.txt and sitemap.xml files.
  3. Duplicate Content, Affiliates, and Errors: a check was carried out to identify duplicates, affiliates, and other potential errors that could affect rankings.
  4. Content and Semantics: the work included the analysis and creation of content for landing pages, selection of keywords, verification of uniqueness, and placement of content.
  5. Link Building: an analysis of external and internal links was performed, including anchor checks, the study of natural links, and the development of a strategy to increase the link mass.

    It should be noted that the link strategy aimed at improving the quality of external links, eliminating low-quality backlinks, and focusing on relevant and high-quality donors to strengthen the site's search engine positions.

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    Analysis of the Link Mass for the Last Year
  6. Analytics and Behavioral Factors: user behavior on the site was studied, snippets were analyzed, the current effectiveness of promotion was evaluated, and future position and traffic forecasts were made.


Data as of June 15, 2023 (one year after the start):




Difference, %

Number of links (Ahrefs)

6 569



Number of referring domains (Ahrefs)




Domain rating (Ahrefs)




Number of links (Serpstat)




Number of referring domains (Serpstat)




Visibility (Serpstat)




Number of keywords (Serpstat)

30 329

32 921


Number of pages in the index

2 870

4 240


What We Achieved:

Obtaining high-quality thematic links from article resources, with a focus on links from authoritative and relevant websites, yielded results. The increase in the domain rating indicates an improvement in the site's authority and trustworthiness.

We managed to maintain high visibility in search, with a slight positive growth trend. This means that the store's pages are appearing more frequently in search results.

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Visibility over the entire domain's existence

The number of keywords for which the site appears in search results increased to 32,921, and the number of indexed pages grew by one and a half times.

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Number of keywords over the entire domain's existence

In addition, the site entered the top 10 for 5.58 thousand keywords and took the first position in search results for 2 thousand keywords.

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Distribution of keywords in SERP


The SEO work led to several significant improvements:

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Results of promotion over the past year
  1. Website traffic increased by 17.4%, indicating an expansion of the audience.
  2. The number of sessions increased by 19.3%, indicating that visitors enter the site and spend more time exploring its pages.
  3. We attracted 15.4% more new users than the previous year.
  4. Most importantly, site revenue increased by a whopping 6647.0%. This is a clear indication that our SEO strategy is not just working, but is bringing in real profits.

In summary, the project's work has resulted in several positive changes aimed at improving the site's visibility, authority, and content. Moreover, not only the quantity but also the quality of traffic has improved: people coming to the site are interested and ready to make purchases.

These achievements are an important step in promoting the resource and can serve as a basis for further growth and development of the project.

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