8 tips on how to get into the Google Answers block

8 tips on how to get into the Google Answers block

8 tips for getting into the Google featured snippet

The search engine in modern realities has ceased to be only a list of links. To satisfy users' wishes, Google conducts response experiments. One of these innovations was Google's featured snippet. You can get a jump in search traffic by going to that block. The purpose of our article is to share tips on how to get your site into such a snippet.

What is the Google featured snippet?

Snippets are often referred to as the zero position in the search results. It is located at the top of the page and sometimes takes up a lot of space. By itself, this block is a short and quick response to a user's request. It consists of text (usually up to 50 words), pictures, a title, and links to the source.

In practice that advanced snippets increase company loyalty much faster than with the help of other tools. All this is seen in the absence of additional advertising for ranking. No need to be the "number one" in your niche. Any company can get a place in the "zero position" despite its size or budget

Statistics show that Google snippets are becoming more popular.

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After checking the schedule, you wonder what the secret of snippets is. All this because an instant clear answer to a response is shown to a user. It is unnecessary to move to the site or scroll through the search engine pages. It is essential to keep in mind that Google Snippet is beneficial not only for particular users. Such innovation allows business owners to overtake issuing competitors, increase conversions, and attract new traffic.

According to the monitoring results, the clickability of content with an expanded snippet is about twice the CTR of similar content.

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Quick Google answers come in three types. They are a text, a list, and a table. The analysis showed that text responses were the most popular.

1st: Use Semrush and Serpstat

To get a detailed response, you need to decide on competitors' snippets. Again, you can use the Semrush analytics resource to do this.

Serpstat, in turn, will show whether the Google question will lead to an expanded snippet. A domain, a keyword, or a link will be sufficient. The result of the issue will indicate whether the request has an extended snippet.

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2nd: Think of your audience

Ask yourself, "What does a search request look like for people?" To better understand the mechanism of creating snippets, it is necessary to analyze Google Questions and Answers because many terms and acronyms are used when searching.

3rd: Use ideas from Answer the Public or Serpstat

It is the questions of users that lead to the appearance of snippets. Content should respond to the most popular queries - "How?", "What?", "Where?", "When?", "Who?" "Why?", "Where?" And the like.

For Russian-speaking sites, you can use Serpstat: its "Search Tips" or "Search Questions" blocks.

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Answer the Public is suitable for English language projects. Typing a specific query will help you understand what users want to know. However, before you can use phrase-specific phrases, you need to do SEO optimization and see any traffic in those queries.

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4th: Answer a few questions

Efforts must be made to create a generic article that can answer several user questions at once.

Tip # 5: Keep yourself in the box

The analysis shows that the most acceptable length of the snippet is 40-50 words. Try to meet these metrics.

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For example, this answer contains only 51 words:

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Tip # 6: Use headers

You must use the paragraph styles section functionality. By assigning a header text, h2, h3, you can successfully select steps, lists, or even paragraphs of responses in a snap.

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Tip # 7: Question and Answer section

As we said earlier, snippets are an excellent opportunity to drive additional traffic. Therefore, the best solution would be to optimize the content on the site to answer the questions "How?" And "What?". You can add a section with popular questions and answers to your site.

Tip # 8: Image and Video Quality

Most users perceive visual information better. Therefore, by complementing the answers with quality photos or videos, you will expand the snippets and make them worthwhile.

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ggl10 8 tips on how to get into the Google Answers block

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