Case Study Search Campaign

Case Study Search Campaign

About Customer

CartPack LLC focuses on three major business niches, i.e. sales of ready-to-use packaging from own assortment, custom-made items manufactured according to client's technical specifications, merch and branded packaging for enterprises.

We use different methods of printing: printing on raw paperboard, laminating and more.

We produce custom boxes of specified shape, size and layout of the goods.

Campaign outcomes

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Input data:

  • Ads budget - 4K UAH
  • Geotargeting - Ukraine ( excl. Cremia, Lugansk, and Donetsk regions)
  • Tracking of PPC performance by transactions and calls from Google Analytics
  • Objective - To get data sufficient to analyze the payback of this traffic source.
  • Tasks - Launch the searching campaign for ad groups specified by the Customer. Break down each ad group into an individual campaign for more accurate edits. Collect semantic core relevant to each ad group of the site. Work out keywords, to draw up a list of negative keywords. Write ad definitions describing competitive advantages of the Customer. Place three textual and one dynamic ad definition for A/B testing. To create and add extensions to improve of CTR ads.

Project activities

  • Collection of keywords and negative keywords for ad groups of the site.
  • Launch of searching campaigns per each ad group individually. To set off targeting in Google Display Networks option since, we need the traffic from Search Network only.
    cssc4 Case Study Search Campaign
  • Divide the keywords in each campaign into subgroups of different types. Use all types of matches separately. This is necessary so that the adjustments that we will make for optimization are as accurate as possible and do not spoil the results of other segments of the same campaign.
    cssc5 Case Study Search Campaign
  • When launching ad campaign, create several text ads that differ from each other in their competitive advantages. Create one dynamic ad. This is necessary for A/B testing of the ads. Later on, ads with low CTR should be rewritten and improved.
    cssc6 Case Study Search Campaign
  • We create add-ons to improve the CTR of ads.

During optimization work we work through queries, add negative words.

We make adjustments according to the established strategy, and modify it if necessary. It is better to do this as an experiment, so the campaign is not retrained and does not lose traffic and conversions.

In addition to adjustments for the rates and budget of the campaign, adjustments are also made for the segments of each campaign separately:

  1. By device
  2. By location (when setting up, we immediately divide our targeting into separate areas and their centers. This is necessary in order to make adjustments to each area/center separately during optimization)
    cssc7 Case Study Search Campaign
  3. By gender
  4. By age
  5. By day of the week (as well as the location itself, we specify when setting up separately for each day). For example, we need to advertise 24/7, but if we leave when configuring this point unchanged, then we can not make adjustments for each day separately. Therefore, we choose to advertise from Monday to Friday and add Saturday-Sunday separately.
    cssc7 Case Study Search Campaign
  6. You can also make adjustments to the time of each day separately. But to do this, you will need to change the show schedule manually, as shown in the example before.

Campaign outcomes:

cssc9 Case Study Search Campaign

According to the campaign outcomes with budget fixed for this source of traffic, we have got the following data:

  • Transactions - 64
  • Conversions (excl. transactions) - 406
  • Average price per transaction - 2,36 UAH
  • Income by ecommerce data - 86 045,37 UAH
  • Ads cost spent - 4 006,52 UAH
  • ROAS - 2150%

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