How to promote a website: SEO in 2019

How to promote a website: SEO in 2019

How to promote a website: SEO in 2019

Who can tell you all about the promotion of the site, if not an SEO specialist? Today, SEO has become an archival lever for doing business. How did it happen? The fact is that online advertising campaigns have bypassed similar offline advertising for a long time.

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No single source of advertising is capable and close to reaching such an audience. Flexible key settings allow you to direct your ads directly to your target audience. This will not be achieved through any other channel - television, radio, outdoor advertising. It is noted that 96% of the population is looking for the necessary information on the Internet. They may not have enough of the Google answer block, so SEO investment is only increasing every year.

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Experts who started their activities in 2008-2010 will not let lies - since then, outdated methods have not remained a trace. Of course, such concepts as "content", "external links", "ranking" are firmly entrenched. However, today, everyone does not work for the search engine but for the user. That is why google promotion stopped working for quantity and switched to quality.

We will tell you what tactics and strategies worked in 2019 and will work in the future, what will be effective and how to achieve it. We have highlighted 6 critical points, each of which offers a closer look.

Quality content

We think that this item is unlikely to be objectionable to readers. Even search engine companies have acknowledged that content is the main secret of SEO promotion, influencing the ranking algorithm.

The sources provide various guidelines for how to make acceptable and even highly effective content. We've put together rules for you that work..

The main content component is text. It should be extended. Otherwise, the user doesn't linger on your site. In the Behavior section of Google Analytics, you can find out how long your site is delayed.

When planning your site development strategy, it's crucial to understand how much time a person spends on your homepage or blog. If you analyze the percentage of exits from these pages, you can see that the figures are tiny compared to other sections. Why is this happening? The whole point is that the main goal is to show the user where to move further inside the site. Therefore, when deciding how to promote areas, it is quite logical to ask, "How long does it take to retain a customer?" According to recent research, people are on average 3 minutes and 10 seconds on the sites in the top 10 searches. Such data indicate that the material is valuable and exciting to the reader.

According to statistics, site-specific site promotion recommendations aim to work in two areas - textual and instrumental. The first category of text that would hold a user is blog articles. This is what most site owners put their emphasis on. At the same time, there is a tendency to ignore tools - and in vain. Suppose you think about how much routine work requires website promotion and SEO optimization. In that case, it is possible to conclude that utilities and services will help internal specialists and end-users. We suggest that you regularly use the utilities for:

2.Collection of keywords.
3.TITLE calculator.
4.Ad Generator.
5.Blog Search and Directory.
6.UTM tag generator.
7.Google Adwords Match Types.
8.Check for automatic key replacement in headers.

When considering how to improve a site's rating on google, some site owners mistakenly believe that their tools are not suitable for their business. You can always find a decent analog or order the necessary plug-in from a full-time programmer. Finally, there are freelancing exchanges. All the charm of the tools is that they bring not only search but also direct traffic.

Let's return to the topic of blogs. Today you can see a lot of examples of good and not very blogs on the web. But how to spin a site using plain text? The fact is that information must be innovative, bring something new and fresh. If you don't have time to do it yourself, find an intelligent copywriter. But he will have to make sure that he does not just work out his characters, but delve into the subject of letters, study the materials, carefully prepare. Of course, you can write a long article. But it won't help if the reader drops it after the first paragraph. Therefore, before promoting the site, you need to make sure that the writing is fascinating.

External links

External links are on a par with content. The ranking is a working tool. However, the times of exchange exchanges are long gone. White ones completely replace black methods.

Today, some artists continue to offer outdated methods that will eventually result in punishment from the Penguin or Minusx filter. So how to advertise a site on google without resorting to crowdsourcing and automatic spam. So, how do you advertise on google without resorting to crowdsourcing and auto-spam? We suggest using one of our strategies.

# 1 - Creating social projects. For example, a website was created that allows you to pay for university tuition throughout the year. Information about the resource was distributed to educational institutions, and within 4 months, the search traffic and the number of keys increased sharply.

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Thus, conducting social programs not only improves performance but also promotes loyalty among potential and current buyers.

# 2 - guest posting. If you are interested in promoting the 2019 site in this way, it is essential to create only high-quality content. The copywriter should act like a journalist - not just to rewrite known information but to prepare a unique, specialized article. However, thanks to regular work, in a few months, you can see that links that will not appear on the stock exchange will appear in the link profile.

Behavioral factor

From the topical: what is a site promotion if it is not about quantity but quality? Traffic depends on the position in the search engine. And to get to the top places, you need to be interested in the user—exciting, readable content on the page. As we said, it's 3 minutes and 10 seconds. And all this time a person must be busy with something. Just think: close to 80% of sites don't even open just because the name didn't pay attention! Your task is to make the site interesting for the user so that he receives the answers to his questions, meets the needs.

Zero position

Before launching a site in Google in 2019, it is necessary to study the features of the issue. Everyone wants his place to be in the top 10 of the first page. However, not everyone is aware that there is a "zero position" concept, about 11% of all traffic. This is an extended snippet, Google's answer block.

To get a good place, you need to identify the keys that rank the sites in the first issue and add them to your site. Most often, articles that answer the question "How?" Fall into the snippet, but you can use similar adverbs - "Where?", "When?", "Who?"

An example of an expanded snippet:

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There are three ways to create a snippet, the most popular of which is text. First, the site should ask questions (similar to users' questions) and answer them in a big way.

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Use of video content

Video is a source of additional traffic and sales. You can now see how video content is picking up traffic from classic sites. It is projected that in 2021, 80% of the traffic will be entirely video-based. And if you are setting long-term goals, you can start making time for video today.

Remember, we talked about the time a visitor retained a page. So, video increases that by 2.5 times. Therefore, it is beneficial to insert videos in blog articles. We have good news for the reader - people are lazy or unable to shoot. Therefore, the competition in this segment is lower than you might imagine. Want more traffic, customers, and sales - shoot video.

Mobile index

It is noted that 60% of requests come from a mobile phone. Therefore, one should strive to make it as easy as possible for a person. First of all, it is about the adaptability of the site to the mobile version. Nowadays, you will be surprised by adaptability: almost every new place is already adapted to several formats and extensions. However, some designers still "hide" some pieces of content that will be 100% missed by the user.

The owner requires constant monitoring, verification, and prompt correction of errors if any.

Voice Search

41% of adult audiences use voice search at least once a day. And that's a fact. 20% of all requests are cast. There is a subtlety here - an average of 29 words are used per voicemail. Therefore, the information on the site should also be adapted for voice queries.

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